Just throw your info in below and we'll email you the first lesson of the free version of Edit That right away!


When you sign up for the free version of Edit That, I'll send you an email every morning for the next 3 days.

In each email, you'll find 2 things:

1 Video lesson

1 Editing assignment that you have to copy.

From there, your only job is to watch the lesson (if you want to) and copy the editing assignment that I sent you.

You'll get a reference video to follow and your goal is to get your edit as close to the reference as you can.

We give you all the assets and footage you'll need.

Each lesson video is about 7-12 minutes in length and I recommend that you spend about 20 - 30 minutes on each assignment. Even if you don't finish it in 20-30 minutes, move on to the next days assignment.

Don't worry about getting your edit absolutely perfect and spending hours doing so. You will still learn the skills in 20-30 mins a day!


    **Please use the email that you want to receive the lessons to**

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.